


[2014-12-11 18:01]




《天主教百科大全》上的關于圣誕節的條目 介紹了各地最早的圣誕節。圣誕節并沒有出現在早期基督教的節期之中,如愛任紐和特土良都未提及。關于圣誕節期最早的記載來自公元200年左右的亞歷山太,其時亞歷山太的革利免稱,有些埃及神學家不僅對基督的生年,同時也對他的生日過分好奇,并把這個生日定在奧古斯都在朝的第二十八年 Pachon 月25日(即公歷5月20日)。325年的第一次尼西亞公會議時亞歷山太的教會確定了 dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniae(圣誕節和主顯節的日期)。在12月慶祝的圣誕于五世紀時傳入埃及。在耶路撒冷,來自波爾多的朝圣者 Egeria(亦稱 Silvia)見證圣燭節(圣誕后四十日)是在1月6日后的四十日,而當地圣誕應為一月六日。在安提阿,公元386年前后金口約翰呼吁教會統一在12月25日慶祝基督誕辰,其中一部分人在其他日子慶祝這一節期至少已經十年。

"One," the Catholic Encyclopedia encyclopedia" on Christmas entry describes all the earliest christmas. Christmas does not appear in early Christian feasts, such as loving as Newark and Tertullian is not mentioned. On the Christmas period is the earliest recorded from around 200 ad Alexandria, then Alexandria Clement said, some Egyptian theologian not only for the birth of Christ, but also for his birthday too inquisitive, and keep the birthday for Augustus in twenty-eighth years on 25 Pachon ( i.e. the Gregorian calendar in May 20th). 325 years of the first Council of Nicaea when Alexandria church was determined by the dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniae ( Christmas and Epiphany Day ). In December to celebrate Christmas in fifth Century was introduced into egypt. In Jerusalem, a pilgrim from Bordeaux ( also known as Egeria Silvia ) to witness the Candlemas ( forty days after Christmas ) in January 6 after forty days, while the local Christmas should be January 6th. In Antioch, around 386 B.C. John Chrysostom called the church unity in the December 25th to celebrate Christ 's birthday, some of them in the other day to celebrate this festival period of at least ten years.

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