

2015-6-05 22:33:34  來源:pchouse  作者:謝禎  

  【MV】Because the product pipeline is always very long, we have a strategy for the next 4 years usually, and the pipeline was a little bit full. But we wanted to work together, and we found one project. It was clear that we want to do it, we went through the process quickly and it was very very fast with Toan. He is amazing to work with, because a lot of intelligent in the process and in the product. And it was even a complicated product. It was a urinal. But it proofed that the capacity and opportunity to work together and from that it was clear that we want to go into a long term relationship. Not only love in the first sight but to profit from each other’s knowledge because especially ceramics you need to know really a lot. And it would be a pity to learn it for one project and then not explore further. While the second project it’s clear about exploring further, much more, because we have the new material the SaphirKeramik which we don’t know yet where the limits are where the boundaries are. The whole idea of this project was to work with Toan to explore new limits new boundaries with this new material SaphirKeramik.


  【J】What about Mr. Nguyen, what’s your feeling about this collaboration?


  【TN】I would say great because we started very quickly as Marc said. The first project I was involved was not typical because it was a urinal so it was a contract product but at the same time I think it was really interesting because it’s a product that-maybe there’s not so much attention in designing, because it’s for a lot of contract projects. It was a challenge I wanted to do something that could be interesting, newer and user-friendly. It was my approach. And we did this project very quickly. The first idea I think was fine and Laufen proceed it so we went very directly to the process of industrialisation, prototyping and so on, and I think the result was pretty good. And it got us a Red Dot Award. I think the product started from a very typical contract product to also there was a lot of highlights in the product and I think it was welcome by both, by the professionals and by the press as well. So obviously it was very exiting for me also to do another project to touch all field in the bathroom. So SaphirKeramik was a great opportunity to do this, because the material was new. Fortunately there was not so much of opportunities like this. You have a new project started with a new material, you don’t know exactly the limit, so there is a challenge and this is what’s excited for me the most, not so much to make a new shape for washbasin. It was a new approach we approach the project with also the process. I tried really to enter into the process and understand what’s clever to do in SaphirKeramik, and not try to do something which is born for resin or other material. The idea of the project, it’s really born for SaphirKeramik, reach its specificity, which is sharp, tight, resistant, it’s very thin. But at the same time still ceramic. So you have-as Marc said before-you really have to understand how ceramic works because ceramic is not like doing an injection mold in plastic where you have a shape and you just need to understand how to make the mold and that’s it. But ceramic, the material is almost alive, there’s a huge process of molding, drying, glazing, firing. Until it’s not completed, all these process are not finished, you will never know what you will get.



(左圖為Toan Nguyen先生為勞芬設計的第一款產(chǎn)品Antero小便池,右圖為最新的INO系列洗臉盆及勞芬水龍頭)



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