

2015-6-05 22:33:34  來源:pchouse  作者:謝禎  

  【J】So what’s the next steps for the SaphirKeramik project? Who else would you invite to join this…


  【MV】To join this couch (laugh). I think Laufen is an extremely attractive brand and we are in a very fortunate situation where the best designers in the world like to work with us. We are also very selective. As I explained in the beginning, everything is very long term. We are interested in collaborating with the best designers and building a long-term relationship. I cannot give you names who will be the next but for sure that the best ones we have will continue to work with us.


  【J】This is a question for Mr. Nguyen, what kind of designer do you think can be called a good designer?


  【TN】The first thing is to be able to absorb information and collect what is around. The information comes everywhere, I am sitting in this sofa, and I’ll start looking at what this the sofa is made of. You shouldn’t expect the information will be already processed and handed to you in a package. So you should understand in many different issue, from the production to the market. I’m not sure if I’m doing well in every field but my first approach is really absorbing. And it is also really exciting because I can come here to talk, but I’m more here to listen and to absorb and to understand, how is this market and what is important for the people here. When I’m traveling I’m trying to understand what is important and because it’s very different from other part of the world. So yes the first thing is to listen to the people. For production another aspect is to try to understand what is the process, what is clever, what is interesting to do. It’s like learning a language. The more you learn the language the more you are able to use it. So I look at completely different field, and different material. I’m lucky to work world-wide with different materials and process, because I can try to bring something—this is also interesting because if you are a specialist in one field, like ceramic, you know a lot of things, but sometimes you will miss the outside view and the ideal position of the designer is being independent in a way and working with different things so I can bring something interesting. I collect information, I get a lot of knowledge about ceramic from Laufen, and I try in exchange bring also something from other fields, for example furniture, I proposed which material to use but for SaphirKeramik there was no such experience. So yes it’s always for me a huge exchange.


  【J】Is that how you come up with the name INO for the collection? I’ve always wonder what’s the meaning behind the name?


  【TN】INO was a long discussion (Laugh). A short name but a very long discussion. It’s only one “N” but INO is innovation, in Italian when you say something is small, or you call someone like a small one, you say “ino” at the end of the word, and the washbasin is Lavandino. So there’s something for me that is friendly and innovative. So that’s exactly the goal for my side, it’s an innovative product but very friendly, and really useful.


  【J】Thank you for your time.




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